Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I am intrigued by the notion of Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants. Today's students really are different. They're different than even ten years ago when I was in high school. Because in high school I didn't have my own computer or home access to the internet; I find myself somewhere in between a native and an immigrant. My parents are total immigrants, although they are getting better. My dad finally has an email address. But I'm not totally immersed the digital world yet. I don't own a digital camera or an ipod. But I'd be completely lost without my IBM laptop and my cell phone. For me, this class is going to mean fun, interactive activities and projects for my students. As most of you know, theater is my thing and I want to incorporate that into my classroom. I could have students blog about a final performance project. (Blogging and wikis are going to save the world a lot of paper.) As new and future teachers we'd be crazy not to cater to the Digital Natives out there. We must lift them out of their boredom!

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