Monday, September 18, 2006

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. But it's not that I'm not thinking about this class. That's not the case at all. I'm constantly thinking about the flat world and what it means to me. And some signs or indicators that I'm constantly surrounded by it. Here are some:

-The feeling I got going into a brand new Super WalMart. It was sort of like a feeling of home, like I could find everything I needed in one giant store. But at the same time I feel guilty feeling that way. I feel like WalMart's are taking over the land (literally) and I know its workers don't get the benefits they deserve. But why do I love this store so much?

-Instant Messanger
I just realized how important it was to me. I can get in touch with someone while I'm sitting at my computer. I know what's going on in the lives of people I haven't seen or spoken to in years. That's not always a good thing but it can be fun sometimes. When I got to college it was sometimes the only way I communicated with people. I would always tell my mom "I talked ____ the other day." She would say "Oh you did? You called ____?" I would respond with "No my I talked to ______ on the computer." I still don't know if really understands that. I've talked to her on the computer, man it is rough. But I start to go a little crazy when I haven't been on AIM in a few days or checked my email in a few hours!

-Lonely Girl
So I heard she was outed. I read a few short articles online about her. It was all a scam; she's not really lonely! She's just another actress trying to make her big break. This is from

"Our intent from the very beginning of this was to tell a very realistic fictional story" says Lonely Girl creator Miles Beckett.

The writers are moving Lonely Girl to her own website where the saga will continue but it remains to be seen whether [Jessica] Rose can make a career from this or whether she's used up her 15 megabytes of fame.

Is this what acting and fame is coming to? How appropriate is "15 megabytes of fame" to the idea of a flat world. She was supposed to be discussed on VH1's Best Week Ever. I waited for it and they skipped over it for some reason. One of the articles I read said 80 girls auditioned for the part of Lonely Girl. This to me, is strange and intriguing at the same time.


Anonymous said...

Wow, fascinating update on the lonely girl project Katie. Thanks!

Jennifer Taft said...

In my little hick hometown of Dunkirk, Super Wal-Mart is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It has driven everything else out though, so if you want to buy anything, you literally HAVE to go there because there is no where else.

I know what you mean though, I love it. I could walk around for hours looking at things, HA