Saturday, September 09, 2006

Not related to ENG 506 (sorry!)

  • Was anyone else crushed when Andre Agassi lost last weekend? And when he cried, I cried. And since then, every time I see a clip of him crying I get choked up. What an end to a fabulous career. I loved watching him play tennis. He has so much personality compared to other male and female players. His speech was so heartfelt too. And the way he talked about having success throughout his career when he just lost a crucial match. We should all want to express emotion like that when our careers are ending. It's the process and the struggle, not the product.
  • Who's been watching Rosie O'Donnell on The View? Do you love her or hate her? I'm so thankful to have her back on TV. She may be overpowering but those women need that. And the work she does for charity and adoption.
  • RIP Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin. Crikey, that's sad.
  • Hope you like my bits of pop culture, I couldn't live without it. (Best Week Ever is a great show if you're interested in this stuff too! The Soup is good too. Joel is funny but no one will compare to John Henson.)


Dave E. said...

John Henson is amazing. I actually find myself watching the TV Guide Channel occasionally, ON PURPOSE, just because I know he's on every once in awhile. Oh, and he had that short-lived show on SpikeTV called "The John Henson Experience," where he once made a rare (in fact, the only one I've ever seen) Clint-Malarchuk-slashed-jugular-vein joke. Oh man, I almost died laughing. (by the way, there's a link to the video of the jugular incident at the bottom of the Wikipedia page I linked... classic!)

Anyway, sorry. Just letting you know I'm reading. :)

KatieL said...

Cool, thanks Dave. Sometimes I feel like no one else is reading. John Henson should come back to regularly scheduled TV programming!

Also, thanks for your help on the wiki pages yesterday.