Monday, October 02, 2006

Blown Away

So after reading some blogs, I am blown away. This class has taken off and left me waving from the gate. Everyone else's blogs are far more sophisticated and full of inspiring content. I think I need to carry my laptop around with me and blog every time I have a thought about this class, which is often. There's just so much to say/think about/discuss. I'm glad we're having a discussion tomorrow.

Can someone help me with Flickr and del.ici.ous tomorrow before class? Both are not working and after seeing pictures of Charm and Jack's weddings I realize I'd like to share some of my photos with you all too.

I mentioned this on Rachel's blog but I'd like to propose it to the class here too. I'd love to have an online forum/blog/website where we can share our ideas, thoughts, lesson ideas, book suggestions, etc. Many of us will be student teaching in the spring and would greatly benefit from something like this. If we kept it up we could use it next fall when we start teaching as well. We could contact recent graduates of this program to help too. We know Shade Gomez would be a wonderful resource. Any takers?

Time to get ready to serve coffee to perfect strangers!


natdat said...

I agree with you about creating a website where we would all be able to share resources/breakthroughs. I know I"ll need support during student teaching, and we won'y be able to see everyone as often as would be desirable. It makes more sense to collaborate this way. THis way, Dr. Hill wouldnt' have to waste hundreds of sheets of paper in order to show us how us examples of good (?) lesson plans...

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea. So someone take it on as a project...

Dr. Sarver and I have a "from the field" blog for our current student teachers but we find that even though we've stepped away unless we're invited, our students aren't using it.

That's been disappointing.

I encourage someone to take this on Jenn Gee?

Danielle said...

Yes, this is a great idea. It would be very helpful to have constant contact with each other during your placements. Not only for lesson plans, but for emotional support as well. It's a stressful time, and it would be nice for you to share your experiences. However, it is also a very busy time, so don't expect it to be as well maintained as our class blog is unless someone is put in charge who will maintain it frequently. Good luck!

Mr. Johnston said...

This is actually in response to your enhanced podcast.

First off, it is too bad your pictures were not uploaded. Obviously, I feel unable to do your podcast justice because I wasn't able to see the "published" version. That said, given the content of your podcast, I'm not convinced I want to see the images!

In many ways, your enhanced podcast worked very well just as a podcast. I don't want to get down on my knees and bow because I know that you have done a lot of work in theater so your ability to perform is hardly surprising. That said, your reading/monologue was powerful, provacotive, and emotionally arresting.

I would love to see a katie Lo. production in the future (even if it's just the high school play).

See you on Tuesday.