Sunday, October 01, 2006

Downtown Partnership Project

Hi kids-

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. Does anyone read this thing anyway? As you all know I'm very excited to work with Ray and Lloyd on the Downtown project. We haven't met with Lloyd yet, our meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday actually. So I'm not really sure what to "propose." Here are some things I am hoping and anticipating doing over the next 2 months or so. Going to events downtown like the Apple Festival, checking out new businesses, finding out what's going on with the new bars that once were Murphy's and Bald Lucy's. I'm hoping Ray and I will be setting up a blog and writing about downtown. I would love to go to a meeting detailing the plans for the new Clocktower building. Eat at restaurants and critique them. It would be cool to have a section of the blog devoted to college students only. We could put together a restaurant guide so they know the best places in town to check out when their families are in town. This section would also detail events happening downtown, like music nights at the Blue Frog. We could have an over 21 section too, to let those legal students know about the happenings (bands and special give-a-way nights) at certain places. This of course would have to be prefaced with safe drinking tips or advice. We could post a list of cab numbers.

But again I don't know what Lloyd has in mind for us. I'll find out on Wednesday I guess. The Downtown Partnership's open house is this Thursday. I'm very excited to check that out. What's everyone else thinking about?


Dave E. said...

I read this.

KatieL said...

Thanks Dave I know you do! :) I will read yours soon I promise.

Alex Reid said...

I'm reading as well Katie. I hope this Downtown Cortland project goes well as I could see many of our Professional Writing majors getting involved (e.g., as interns) down the road.

jennifer wasser said...

Katie, I am super jealous of your big downtown project with Ray & Lloyd. I think it sounds so interesting, not to mention enjoyable. I actually found out that Binghamton is still working on something similar right now, although I am not sure if it's really something I could incorporate into my project. I got some websites though, so if I could only find where I jotted them down, then I could see what is in the works here. . . . .
I think you guys will have a lot of fun finding ways to make downtown more appealing. Enjoy! By the way, you know I read your blog too!